Language proficiency categorisation

About the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is an international standard for describing language ability. It describes language ability on a six-point scale, from A1 for beginners, up to C2 for those who have mastered a language.

This makes it easy for anyone involved in language teaching and testing, such as teachers or learners, to see the level of different qualifications. It also means that employers and educational institutions can easily compare our qualifications to other exams in their country.

person piling blocks
person piling blocks

A1 - Basic User

An A1 level language learner, classified as a 'Basic User', can grasp and use familiar everyday expressions necessary for simple, basic communication.

At this level, learners can introduce themselves and others, ask and answer questions about personal details such as their name, residence, origin, and basic family information. They can understand and use very basic phrases aimed at meeting concrete needs. Interaction at this level is possible as long as the conversation partner speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to assist.

a woman in a black dress is standing on a bridge
a woman in a black dress is standing on a bridge

A2 - Basic User

At the A2 level, still defined as a 'Basic User', language learners can comprehend sentences and frequently used expressions relevant to everyday situations such as shopping, local geography, and employment.

They can engage in simple, routine brief conversations and tasks that require straightforward exchanges of information on familiar topics. Additionally, they are typically able to describe aspects of their background, including family, work, friends, and holidays, in simple terms. This level enables learners to understand and communicate about immediate, practical needs in a clear and basic manner.

women forming heart gestures during daytime
women forming heart gestures during daytime

B1 - independent User

A B1 level language learner, defined as an Independent User, can understand the main points of clear spoken language on familiar topics such as work, school, and leisure. This proficiency allows them to effectively handle most situations likely to arise when interacting with native speakers in Greece. At this level, learners can produce simple, connected text on familiar topics or areas of personal interest.

They are capable of describing experiences and events, as well as expressing dreams, hopes, and ambitions. Additionally, B1 learners can briefly provide reasons and explanations for their opinions and plans, showcasing a solid foundation in the language that facilitates more confident and autonomous communication.

woman in black long sleeve shirt holding black ceramic mug
woman in black long sleeve shirt holding black ceramic mug

b2 - independent User

The B2 level of an 'Independent' language learner, is characterised by the ability to comprehend the main ideas of complex texts, both concrete and abstract, with ease. This includes understanding technical discussions within their field of specialisation.

At this level, learners can interact fluently and spontaneously with native speakers, ensuring smooth and natural communication without effort for either party. B2 learners can also produce clear and detailed text on a wide array of subjects, articulating their viewpoints on topical issues and effectively discussing the pros and cons of various options. This proficiency allows them to handle everyday problems, employment-related conversations, and discussions on media, health, and environmental topics confidently and competently.

woman reading book
woman reading book

C1 - advanced User

A C1 level advanced language learner demonstrates a high degree of proficiency, capable of comprehending a wide range of demanding and lengthy texts such as newspaper articles, news broadcasts, lectures, and discussions, while also recognising implicit meanings. This advanced user can express themselves fluently and spontaneously, rarely having to search for words.

They use language flexibly and effectively across social, academic, and professional contexts. Additionally, they can produce clear, well-structured, and detailed texts on complex subjects, utilising organisational patterns, connectors, and cohesive devices with precision and control.

grayscale photo of person in hoodie holding round ball
grayscale photo of person in hoodie holding round ball

C2 - independent User

A C2 level language learner, defined as a 'Proficient User', possesses the highest degree of fluency and comprehension of the language. This level is characterised by the ability to understand virtually everything heard or read with ease. Learners at this stage can seamlessly summarise information from diverse spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and narratives into a coherent and articulate presentation.

They can express themselves spontaneously, with a high degree of fluency and precision, effortlessly differentiating finer shades of meaning even in complex situations. This proficiency allows them to navigate and engage in sophisticated conversations, demonstrating a nuanced understanding of the language.

white printer paper

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